
  • Customs & Import VAT

It is the responsibility of the customer to cover any additional customs and import taxes that may apply. These will vary depending on the destination country and local tax laws so please be aware of this prior to placing your order.

Customers within the EU are encouraged to order via Etsy where there is the option of pre-paying VAT at checkout to expedite the customs clearance process. Otherwise, you are welcome to continue to shop on and pay the fees incurred when the package reaches your destination country. Plannerface Ltd is not responsible for delays caused by the customs process. 


  • What is the shipping cost to my country?

Shipping depends on the weight and size of your order, but you can use the shipping rates calculator on the cart page to get a shipping estimate on your current basket.


  • When will my order ship?

Current processing times are 1-2 weeks for all items.


  • When will my order arrive once it has shipped?

Royal Mail quotes these estimated delivery times:

  • Domestic: 1-2 business days
  • Europe: 3-5 business days
  • Rest of world: 6-7 business days

Please note that these are delivery aims and are not guaranteed. Plannerface nor Royal Mail can guarantee delivery for a given date as deliveries can be delayed for any reason.

Please note that "business days" do not include weekends or holidays.


  • I think my order is lost - what should I do?

Domestic orders: please contact me if your order has not arrived 10 business days after the due date (10 business days + 2 business days originally quoted for the delivery aim).

European orders: please contact me if your order has not arrived 20 business days after the due date (20 business days + 5 business days originally quoted for the delivery aim).

Rest of world orders: please contact me if your order has not arrived 25 business days after the due date (25 business days + 5 business days originally quoted for the delivery aim).

As I am unable to make a claim with Royal Mail until this point, I would advise that you wait the appropriate number of days before contacting me regarding a lost order as the majority of the time, they do turn up within this period. 

Please note that "business days" do not include weekends or holidays.


  • Is there a tracking number?

The default shipping method is untracked, but tracked shipping is available as an optional add-on at checkout. If you choose to have your order shipped with tracking, this will be provided for you with your dispatch notification. Please note that the tracking will sometimes not update until the package has reached your destination country.


  • Can I change my address?

You can change your shipping address at any point until your order ships - please send me a message at with your order number and the new address.


  • My address was wrong and my order has shipped - what should I do?

If your address is incorrect, the package should be returned to me as undeliverable. You can then pay a re-shipping cost to have the order posted to the correct address. Please be aware that the order may take a while to be returned, if it is returned at all.