About Us
Founded by Anna in 2016, Plannerface creates stickers and stationery for creative planners and memory keepers.

Where it began
I discovered the magical world of planning with stickers in 2015 while I was studying for my Accounting & Finance degree at the London School of Economics. My boring Filofax planner wasn’t quite cutting it and with all of the lectures, classes and deadlines, I was struggling to make sense of my chaotic schedule.
Armed with a medium Kikki.K and some neon stickers from Paperchase, I started to feel less overwhelmed at the thought of my never-ending to do list. I would actually look forward to completing tasks and adding events to my planner, as it meant I got to reward my successes with a sticker!
I quickly noticed the therapeutic benefits planning brought me and wished for a way to use stickers more - but I was already setting up my spreads weeks in advance! In my search for more planner real estate, I learned of the Erin Condren LifePlanner - a 7" x 9" vertical column planner with much more room.
Setting up shop
By May 2016, I had started to refine my planning style and knew what suited me, and - more importantly - what didn't. With limited shopping options here in the UK, I started to design a selection of stickers with the intention of printing and hand-cutting a few sheets for myself and some friends.
I quickly fell in love with the creation process and challenged myself to set up an Etsy shop as a summer project. I ordered my first Silhouette cutting machine to my student halls and got to work as soon as my exams were done.
The months that followed were a total blur! The business grew rapidly and surpassed 1,000 Etsy sales by August. I was determined to make it work when I headed back to London in September for my final year - knowing I'd need my planner more than ever to juggle the workload.

The transition
With a combination of hard work and a LOT of coffee, I made it to the end of my degree and surpassed 5,000 Etsy sales by May 2017.
But Plannerface had already given me so much more than that. I didn't love Accounting, but it was a means to an end. A career I thought I should go into because of expectations I'd placed on myself, not because I was truly passionate about it. Thanks to my wonderful customers I now had the confidence to deviate from this path, and made the decision to take the business full time!
Upto this point, I had been using my planner purely functionally. Once I began working from home, I found myself falling behind with my daily planner check-ins. Where daily structure had previously suited me, I now needed my planning to be more flexible.
Memory planning was the perfect solution: I could set aside some time to document the past week and decorate my planner without feeling the need to keep up with my planner in real time.