How to Actually Use a Weekly Sticker Kit for Planning

How to Actually Use a Weekly Sticker Kit for Planning

Posted by Anna Williams on

Sticker kits are by far my favourite way to plan in my planners. With a kit, you have access to a curated set of stickers in a range of sizes without having to worry about "does this match?" or "is this red the same shade of red as this red?" With the hard work done for you, you're free to relax and focus on the important part: your plans! 

Of course, the beauty of creative planning is your ability to make your planner unique to you. But that doesn't mean we can't take advantage of some cheats along the way, thanks to how a sticker kit is designed. I'll be using the Plannerface kit format for examples in this post, but most of these hacks can be applied to a variety of other weekly planner kits.

By breaking down the kit sheet by sheet, you'll understand the purpose behind different kinds of sticker so you can make the most of your planner kits!

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Full box stickers: these illustrated boxes convey the theme of the sticker kit and set the tone for the spread. They can be used to fill larger areas in your planner, to break up blank space or to divide tasks or lists. At least 10 are included in a kit, so it's common to use one per day. 

Ombre checkbox stickers: these checklist boxes feature printed hearts that can be ticked off to mark the completion of a task.
Alternative use(s): cut along the white lines to make more label stickers, or cover the hearts with a script sticker or other decorative sticker to have a plain half-box to write on. 

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Monday-Sunday habit tracker stickers: two varieties of M-S trackers exist. The first has an area to write a habit you want to achieve on a daily basis, allowing you to tick the letter for each day the habit is observed. The second is an ombre box variant, with some space to write a word or phrase relating to each day. These are commonly used in your planner sidebar and are ideal to log meals, steps, work hours or anything where it's beneficial to have some added detail instead of just a tick.

Checklist stickers: Like their ombre checkbox sibling, checklists can be used for task lists and to-do's thanks to the pre-printed heart design. You can trim the length down if you need fewer hearts for your number of tasks. 

Flags, shapes, label stickers: much like how some types of sticker are designed for a specific purpose... some stickers in a kit are intentionally ambiguous! These take form as coloured shapes, boxes and labels, allowing you to use them in any way you wish. It's common to add icons, decorative stickers or scripts to these and use them to mark individual events or highlights.
Top tip: using larger boxes for more important events will help draw attention to them when reviewing your planner. If time blocking is useful to you, you could use larger labels for time-intensive tasks and thinner labels for quick wins! 



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